The Blue Lamb Granary has been a grain storage facility in Gdansk since the 16th century. The current museum is housed in a seven-story, brick warehouse building with a preserved original façade, wooden construction and ceiling structure.

The Blue Lamb, photo: Gdańsk Archaeological Museum

The Blue Lamb, photo: Gdańsk Archaeological Museum
After the war, it still served as a warehouse, the Herbapol company had a herb warehouse in it. When the compane left, it was unused for a long time. Since 1995, under the care of the Archaeological Museum, after renovation and conservation since 2008, the Granary has been opened to the public.
Today, it is a modern museum within the old walls, adapted for visitors with disabilities, child-friendly. We invite you for a visit.

The Blue Lamb, photo: Gdańsk Archaeological Museum

The Blue Lamb, photo: Gdańsk Archaeological Museum
Ground floor
On the ground floor of the building there is a ticket office, a souvenir store and museum publications, a cloakroom and a conference room. This room is to be used for scientific conferences, historical lectures and other events promoting archaeology.
First floor
The first exhibition hall is used for the presentation of temporary exhibitions, moving further we enter the space of the permanent exhibition “The town under the town”. It is a kind of introduction to the work of an archaeologist during excavations (in the field) and in the museum.
We will learn how to reconstruct the living conditions of the former inhabitants of Gdansk, we will learn about their diet and health.
Looking through multimedia screen, we will learn facial reconstruction techniques. Moving on to the next interior, we will enter the “Medieval Hanseatic Street”. Suddenly, we go out into the bustling street of the 14th/15th century, we will pass by houses, stalls and workshops, an inn, and a bathhouse. We will see closely what a Hanseatic merchant did in his exchange office, maybe you will learn the secret of a cooper in the production of dishes. Medieval workshops of a blacksmith, shoemaker or barber will probably also be of interest to younger and older visitors.

The Blue Lamb, photo: Gdańsk Archaeological Museum

The Blue Lamb, photo: Gdańsk Archaeological Museum
Second floor
It is worth starting your visit with watching an interesting 20-minute film about medieval Gdansk. The permanent exhibition “The Granary Island” presents objects from the island of port warehouses. What objects were found during archaeological research can be seen in the showcases. We will learn the history of the Blue Lamb granary.
We will smoothly move on to the second part of the exhibition “Gdansk in the world of the Hanseatic League”, we will see an archaeologist’s workshop, we will follow the pilgrim’s trail, we will see medieval pilgrim plaques. Old toys, old coins, dishes, cutlery, leather shoes are interesting. We will see how the former Gdansk inhabitants were treated and how they took care of hygiene in the film and on the boards in one of the rooms.

The Blue Lamb, photo: Gdańsk Archaeological Museum