The hydrotechnical monuments route urges us to embark on a fascinating journey. The hydrotechnical monuments, which fit into the Pomeranian landscape, are considered engineering works of art, and many of them function as monuments of material culture. In the day of computers and automation, the technical solutions applied here amaze and fascinate. It is worth seeing for yourself.
The route offers an impressive number of attractions. It covers 27 hydro plants, partly overlapping with the “Oldest hydroelectric power plants route”, 6 channels, 3 aqueducts, 5 sluices, 7 bridges, 11 watermills, 1 water shed, a dam, a water fortress and a pumping station. All in all, over 60 sites atre worth visiting. It is impossible to see them all during one stay! A good reason to come back to Pomerania.
The route comprises the following sites:

Galaznia Mala hydroelectric power plant, photo: Pomorskie Travel

Biesowice hydroelectric power plant on Wieprza, photo: Pomorskie Travel
Radunia's hydroelectric power plants
Flowing from Kashubia to Gdańsk, the Radunia is “the busiest of Pomerania’s rivers”. Its length is only 105 kilometres, and the slope of the river from the source to the mouth is 162 metres. As much as 107 metres of this is used for power generation. As many as eight power plants were built on its short course in the 19th and 20th Centuries. They supplied electrical energy to Gdańsk.
The power plants are located in Rutki, Łapino, Bielkowo, Straszyn, Prędzieszyn, Kuźnice, Juszkowo, and Pruszcz Gdański. They form a cascade system, which means that the majority of them must be active at the same time. Of the eight plants mentioned, the bigger ones located in the upper course of the river may be visited: Rutki, Łapino, Bielkowo, and Straszyn. The last of these features a small exhibition of photographs depicting the beauty of hydroelectric plants.
The Hydroelectric power plants of Central Pomerania's rivers
The route of power plants in the river basin of the Słupia features five facilities: Skarszów Dolny, Krzynia, Strzegomino, Gałąźnia Mała, and Struga. All are available for tourists, the most interesting being the one in Gałąźnia Mała, which features an exhibition hall presenting the history of hydroelectric power plants, an information centre, and, in the future, also accommodation.
The Biesowice hydroelectric power plant is located 80 kilometres down the Wieprz and is the oldest power plant on this river, built in 1905. In 1907, it was destroyed by a flood, and, after being rebuilt in 1908 operated until 1945. The plant was re-launched in 1954 with the power of 503 KW. The power plant is open to visitors.The Łupawa’s basin features six other power plants, three of which, in Smołdzin, Żelkowo, and Poganice (by national road No. 6). are available for tourists.
The hydrotechnical monuments of Gdańsk and its environs
The Radunia Channel, the Stone Sluice and the Motława Flow, the Great Mill and the Small Mill, the historic Forge on the Oliwa Stream, the Vistula Cutting and the Przegalina Sluice.

Mylof Dam, photo: Pomorskie Travel
The monuments of Żuławy Wiślane and Powiśle
The hydrotechnical curiosities of this area include the following sites: the Gdańska Głowa Sluice, the Chłodniewo Pumping Station, the Aqueduct in Grabiny-Zameczek, the Drawbridges and historic bridges of Żuławy.
The hydrotechnical monuments of Bory Tucholskie
This vast, pine-covered area features a host of fascinating sites designed to make water a servant of man. Examples of such still-preserved monuments are the Great Brda Channel, the Wda Channel, and the Aqueduct in Fojutowo.