Canoeing is in Poland surely one of the most popular forms of active tourism. Pomorskie, with a dense and diverse river network, can serve as one of the most friendly regions for canoeists in this part of Europe. Many of local canoe trails run on the areas of protected nature, what allows us to watch the beauty of nature from the perspective of water.
Brda trail
In Park Narodowy Bory Tucholskie [Bory Tucholskie National Park] we can have a two-day canoeing trip Szlakiem Brdy [following Brda], one of the most beautiful, and at the same time one of the best rivers for trips in Poland. A 30-kilometre trail, that starts in Ciecholewy village, is not that demanding, and it ensures unforgettable moments. On the route that crosses lakes Karsińskie, Witoczno, Łąckie and Dybrzk, we will reach the northern parts of the Park, characteristic of congeries of amazing nature.
A slightly shorter option of a water escapade is Szlak Jeziora Charzykowskiego [Charzykowskie Lake Trail] with a length of 11 kilometres, that in one day gives an opportunity to discover along the way such attractions like a Kashubian village Swornegacie with an interesting church of saint Barbara and Kaszubski Dom Rękodzieła Ludowego [Kashubian House of Folk Handicraft] or Harcerskie Centrum Edukacji Ekologicznej [Scouting Centre of Ecological Education] in Funka.

Canoe trails in Pomorskie, photo: www.gdanskzkajaka
Łupawa Trail
We can also discover natural treasures with a paddle in hand in Słowiński Park Narodowy [Słowiński National Park], where there awaits us a 13-kilometre Szlak Łupawy [Łupawa Trail], perfect for a one-day canoe trip. On a route with a moderate level of difficulty there are, among others, a hydro power station in Smłodzino, Gardno lake, Rokowół mountain or a glacial erratic Diabelski Kamień [Devil’s Stone] in Gardna Wielka.
Słupia Trail
A lot longer is Szlak Słupi [Słupia Trail], that amounts to 71 kilometres – it is worth to spread this distance in 4 days. It is an option for slightly more advanced canoeists, as the trail entails portages and carriages, and the trip can be made more difficult by a fast-flowing stream, meanders and obstacles in the river bed. All that is compensated by a wonderful unspoiled nature of Park Krajobrazowy Dolina Słupi [Słupia Valley Landscape Park] which we will come across. On this trail, the archbishop Karol Wojtyła who later became the pope John Paul II once had a canoe trip, that is why in the area of the river there are located stones that commemorate this fact. We will also come across nature reserve Gołębia Góra that protects rare plant species or ancient hydro power stations Gałąźnia Mała, Krzyna, Struga and Strzegomino.

Canoe trail, fot. gdanskzkajaka
Trails in Kashubia
Various charms of Kashubia will be shown to us also on a 44-kilometre trip on Szlak “Kółko Raduńske” [“Kółko Raduńskie” Trail] that connects ten lakes linked with Radunia in the area of Kaszubski Park Krajobrazowy [Kashubian Landscape Park].
We can also flow down the further course of the river, Szlak Raduni [Radunia Trail], in the direction of Gdańsk – the difficulty level of both of these trails is moderate. A lot more demanding options are Szlak Łeby [Łeba Trail] (120 kilometres) and Szlak Bukowiny [Bukowina Trail] (127 kilometres). The uncertainty of the streams and passages of various character in both cases will ensure an amazing, week-long adventure – only for real stayers!
Rivers that are extremely attractive when it comes to canoe trips are also Szlaki Wdy i Trzebiochy [Trails of Wda and Trzebiocha], that give us the opportunity to get to know hidden from civilization corners of Wdzydzki Park Krajobrazowy [Wdzydze Landscape Park]. Here, we will come across calmer streams and good conditions for family trips of various distance.

Kajakiem po Motławie, fot. Pomorskie Travel
Trail of Iława Lake District Landscape Park
A dense network of lakes and rivers is a great asset of Park Krajobrazowy Pojezierza Iławskiego [Iława Lake District Landscape Park], that allows to choose from many trails of various character, length and difficulty level. A meeting point for them is Jeziorak, that is the longest Polish lake, that attracts hundreds of water sports enthusiasts every year.
These are not the only interesting options that in the context of canoe tourism Pomorskie rivers, lakes and canals have to offer. Several dozen of extremely picturesque canoe trails of the region have a total length of around 1600 kilometres! There is a lot to choose from then.

Suleczyno i okolice na rowerze i kajakiem, fot. Pomorskie Travel