Leaving the car park we turn left only to turn left again after anther 200m. Following a road among meadows we reach buildings where we enter a tarmac road and turn left. After 1,4km we turn left into a dirt road by a forest car park. After 200m by a pulse measuring point and passing the green route we turn right. Now following a sandy forest road we reach Lubiatowo, where an exercise board is situated. Now going west along the beach after6,1km from the beginning of the walk we enter a gravel road turning left. 300m further we come across another pulse measuring point. Here we also go alongside the black route from Stilo for a short period of time. After7,9km by another exercise board we turn left into an old road connecting Osetnik with Kopalino. The route from Stilo turns right here. Before we enter the forest again we see the reception area of Biebrowo Canal. Afteer 11,5 km from the beginning of the walk we pass the border of Kopalino and 400m further the green route joins our route. From that point we reach the starting point along Bursztynowa Street.