The Radunia River Gorge

The most attractive part of the Radunia (which is over a hundred kilometre long) is a six-kilometre section running through the gorge that is about fifty metres deep. The river meanders through the bottom of a steep-sided rocky gorge, partially through a deciduous forest, and partially through marshy meadows. The Radunia River Gorge has a special cooler, more humid micro-climate than that typical for the area, which is clearly noticeable especially during summer heat. This micro-climate impacts the gorge’s flora which includes rare species, also alpine ones. It is a perfect habitat for amphibians, which are particularly numerous in this area. The gorge belongs to nature protection areas in order to preserve the unique flora and landscape features of the environment.

Foto: M.Piotrowska, Dep. Turystyki, UMWP




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