It is here where the wealthiest Mennonite landlords lived. The village’s landscape has largely remained as it was back then. In its central part stands St. Anne’s Church with a churchyard, and, out of 17 historic dwellings, about 15 have survived, including 10 wooden abodes. In the eastern part of the village there is a run-down Evangelical cemetery, which, even after the war, featured a half-timbered church, and a windmill by the road – unfortunately these have not survived.
The wooden arcade house was built in 1804 on a stone foundation. The entire building is wooden, with an extension supported on 6 front pillars and 2 side pillars, with half-timbered walls. Between the pillars of the arcade there are beams decorated with intricate patterns.
Foto: M.Bieliński, Dep. Turystyki, UMWP