Discover one of the best places to learn, practice windsurfing and kitesurfing in Europe. In Pomorskie, we have several perfect places to practice these sports. The best conditions can be found on the Hel Peninsula.

Windsurfing, photo:
The vast shallows of the Puck Bay create ideal and safe conditions for learning, and the regular winds here, 2-3 BF daily, with gusts up to 4 BF, perfectly meet the needs of beginners. In addition, clean water, sandy bottom and small waves make it the best reservoir of this type in Poland and one of the best in Europe. People who are determined to start learning both windsurfing and kitesurfing will find a suitable course on site under the supervision of a certified instructor.
Planning turns can be learned in a few days, and simple jumps 2-3 meters above the water with one to two turns can take up to a week for some people.

Kitesurfing in the vicinity of Kuznica, photo:
When writing about the Hel Peninsula, it is worth mentioning more about the already iconic Chalupy. This small village, located between Wladyslawowo and Kuznica, becomes one big campsite in the summer season and a meeting place for swimming and kitesurfing enthusiasts. In addition to amateurs and beginners, on the peninsula we will also meet leading players from Poland and Europe preparing, for example, for competitions organized in the season. In addition, the rich cultural and entertainment offer makes it impossible to get bored in this place.
Hel Peninsula. Between the sea and the bay

Gulf of Gdansk windsurfing boards on the beach
In addition to the aforementioned areas of Chalupy and Wladyslawowo, very good conditions for kitesurfing, but closer to the Tri-City, can be found in Rewa. This small fishing town located on a sandy Rewa promontory turns into one of the most popular spots in Poland in the season. Excellent wind conditions give you the opportunity to swim until sunset.
The Northern Kaszuby. The sea side in the Kashubian version

Rewa beach, fot. Ochocki
Other places where we can meet water sports enthusiasts are the beach near the Sopot Sailing Club, where, apart from the mentioned surfers, we will see catamarans and yachts Optimist, Open Bic, Laser and Finn. Places chosen by more experienced kite surfers and windsurfers are located near the Vistula Spit from the Gulf of Gdansk in Katy Rybackie, Krynica Morska and Piaski.