There is no other region in Poland whose landscape would be as monotonous and as diverse as the Low Lands.
The landscape, which due to its flatness, is almost completely devoid of forests and consists mainly of vast fields and an extensive water system. The stability of the landscape is manifested by the almost complete lack of hills, and in some places the Low Lands is below sea level.
This vast plain descends from about 10 m above sea level at the base to approx. 1.8 m below the sea level near Raczki Elblaskie.
It is also a land with the densest natural and artificial water network in Poland. In the past, this area was covered with forests, which were cleared due to the development of agriculture and settlement. However, many centuries ago there was a sea bay here, which was filled by the queen of Polish rivers – the Vistula, depositing mules and felt-tip pens.
As a result, in its delta, it created an area with some of the best soils in Poland. Apart from the Vistula, the main elements of the hydrographic network are the Nogat and the Szkarpawa with their mouths to the Vistula Lagoon and the Martwa Wisla with their mouths to the Gulf of Gdansk.

Water pumping station in Chłodniewo, photo: Pomorskie.Travel

Żuławy commuter railway, photo: Pomorskie Travel/ M.Ochocki
The area of the Low Lands may seem unattractive to tourists due to its natural values, but this is only apparent. It is enough to take a short ride around the land to see that its inseparable elements are picturesque villages, arcaded houses hiding secrets, Gothic churches or historic bridges and hydrotechnical devices.
Read also the Low Lands narrow-gauge railway.
Human activity in these areas has always been a kind of struggle between man and nature. It was here, after the Baltic shoreline moved northwards, that the formation of the Vistula delta lasted for thousands of years. The inhabitants of these areas have repeatedly struggled with numerous floods that destroyed all their possessions. Thanks to the hard work and effort put into draining the Low Lands and protecting it from further disasters, a new piece of usable land was created.

Church in Marzęcin, photo: Pomorskie.Travel
It was only in the Middle Ages that permanent settlements began to appear in this area, when the land began to drain. The human influence is visible in the layouts of rectangular farmland. Their shape depends on the well-developed drainage network: canals, embankments and ditches. The idyllic atmosphere is additionally emphasized by man-planted rows of willows by the ditches and poplars by the roads.
The landscape of the Low Lands also consists of hydrotechnical devices that have helped and still help man to coexist in this area with a very developed river network. Once, the symbol of the Low Lands were windmills, unfortunately, only a few have survived to this day.

Windmill in Drewnica, photo: Pomorskie.Travel

Windmill in Palczewo, photo: Pomorskie.Travel
Read also Weekend in the Low Lands.
The landscape of the Low Lands is a perfect combination of natural and human activities, its individual elements harmonize perfectly with each other. When visiting the Low Lands, you cannot resist the charm of the lowland land, where nothing is as simple as it seems.