In 1993, the Gdansk adventure with William Shakespeare began. The idea of the current Shakespeare Festival was born of the passion and initiative of the Theatrum Gedanese Foundation in Gdansk, its creators were Jerzy Limon and Wladyslaw Zawistowski.

Initially, it was “Gdansk Shakespeare Days”, since 1997 the current name of the Festival has been used. The International Shakespeare Festival has already entered the annual calendar of events.
During its duration, the British playwright’s achievements are presented and popularized here. The festival usually takes place at the turn of July and August, it is a period of acting performances on theater stages, workshops, meetings with directors, actors and playwrights. This international theatrical event gives the opportunity to present the best Shakespearean performances by Polish and world performers.

Performances take place in the Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre, on its courtyard, roof, in the “The Theatre in the Window”, urban space and other Tri-City stages.
The Golden Yorick Contest is held during the Festival. It is a competition in which the best Polish acts of William Shakespeare’s dramatic works and works inspired by his works is awarded. Another accompanying competition trend is ShakespeareOFF, which takes place in the “The Theatre in the Window”.
At the same time, there is also the Summer Shakespeare Academy, during which participants can watch the artists during the rehearsal before the performance. You can ask questions, listen to comments from the artists themselves, see their work up close.