Years ago, due to the defences erected by King Władysław IV to Kazimierz, it constituted an important point in the defence of the country. Now, it is a fishermen’s capital. For many years, fishing was the main occupation of the majority of its people. Among the 451 residents settled in Kuczfelta in 1920, as many as 169 were fishermen associated in 7 maszoperias To this day, Kuźnica scenery is rich with the tools used by the fishermen, with the fishnets (fyke nets and nets) outstretched on the pole stands, give this place a unique character. Fyke nets were most popular among the people of Kuczfelta when it came to eel fishing in spring and autumn. Sometimes one can spot a person with a wooden needle, mending a net.

Kuźnica was the first settlement on the peninsula to become a holiday resort, where, in 1922, the first tourist facilities were created, such as Morskie Oko (Marine Eye). Kuźnica, despite the fact that, like Chałupy, it was located on the narrowest section of the spit, is is surrounded with unbelievable natural attractions, which additionally attract tourists.

One of these is the Libek dune, the highest elevation on the peninsula, reaching 12.5 metres in height. The name of this mountain of sand comes from the ship called Lubeck, which probably crashed after encountering a shallows, in the vicinity of Kuźnice, in the 17th Century. Also, the Libek Mountain constitutes the beginning of the Rybitwia Mielisna (Gull Shallows), located along the Bay of Puck. This segment of the bay is so shallow that you can cross it without the water reaching your waist. The shallows were divided by a series of dykes to allow the fishing boats to sail through. Another one of the natural curiosities is Kuźnicka Jama (the Kuźnica Pit), located in the shallows, a 7-metre-deep pit in the “Little Sea”. It is in the area of Rybitwie Mielisny where there is the annual traditional “March of the Herring” (“”Marsz Śledzia”). Its participants have to go against the current of the Bay of Puck , from Kuźnica to the mainland.

Among the architectural relics, it is worth considering seeing the 20th-Century church, modelled on the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Swarzewo, Queen of the Polish Sea (Sanktuarium Królowej Morza w Swarzewie). It is here in Kuźnice, where the pilgrimage of fishermen sails out from, in traditional boats, to Puck, for the church fair of St. Peter and St. Paul.



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