Szemud: route no. 33 (red)

The starting point of the route is located in a car park by Lake Czarne. Most of the route is marked out along excellent quality dirt roads and forest roads. We cross the 224 road and enter the forest. After 900m we enter Grabowiec. Having done 400 m we reach a monastery. On the square next to the monastery we can do exercises suggested on the board located there. We walk on and after 1,5 km from the beginning of the walk, after a steep climb we go between the buildings of the village of Grabowiec. 700m further the black route goes straight and we turn left. Walking on we reach a bus stop in the hamlet of Rodówko and turn left. Following the green route we pass the buildings and after 400m reach another exercise board. We turn left. After 300m, next to a stone signpost the black route turns right. We go straight towards Grabowiec. After 7,1 km from the beginning of the walk there is a possibility of using an exercise board. We turn left and for 700m, along a road on the slope, go downhill. After 500m we reach a pulse measuring point. After 1,2 km from the beginning of the walk the green route from Przetoczyn follows the red route. After 900m we reach a spring. To the right we have a winding ford. After 10 km we pass the Monastery’s buildings, where we have the last opportunity to do exercises with the help of an exercise board. After 1 km along the familiar road we reach the car park where we started our walk.


trasa nr 33 czerwona 2
trasa nr 33 czerwona 2
trasa nr 33 czerwona 1
trasa nr 33 czerwona 1
trasa nr 33 czerwona
trasa nr 33 czerwona




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