Close contact with nature and the seaside climate combine to make an excellent getaway from the city buzz and nourishment for your health whose value cannot be overestimated.The Recreation and Education Sea Park in Sarbsk is the first park in Poland with grey seals and South American fur seals. Currently, the park's tanks hold four grey seals and four fur seals.
Apart from that, the park houses an oceanarium, where you can see the ancient dwellers of sea depths, and a museum of maritime craft. The Sea Park in Sarbsk is the only commercial establishment in Poland where visitors can see how seals are fed and trained – just as it is possible in other aquaria worldwide.
Our park is not only a seal tank but also a maritime museum with many exhibits of great historical value.
Yet another entertainment in the park is the 3D Prehistoric Oceanarium with a 5D movie theatre. This is the only such place in the northern Poland where you can embark on a journey down to the sea depths, crowded with ancient creatures.

Seal skills show in Sea Park, photo:
Next to the seal tank, the museum and the oceanarium, the park gives you the opportunity to see life-size models of marine animals. It is a real treat for all enthusiasts of marine life, who can now see for themselves what the inhabitants of the seas and oceans look like. The park will also boast the largest model of the blue whale in Poland, measuring 38 m in length.
Already at the entrance visitors are welcomed to typical marine surroundings. Such an environment and the design of the park help to familiarise visitors with the history of the Pomeranian region.
The Sea Park in Sarbsk is planning to launch other thematic attractions connected with marine life and Pomeranian culture and history.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Sea Park in Sarbsk.

Sea Park Recreation and Educational Park, photo: