This once powerful stronghold is located on a hill near Lake Motława Wielka. Initially, the castle was a wooden-earthen structure built in the 13th Century. It was converted into a brick stronghold by Luther von Braunschweig, the Komtur of Christburg (Dzierzgoń). Frequent wars led the castle to ruin, and, as early as in the 18th Century it began to be demolished. Only the imposing tower in the forecastle – the most characteristic element of the castle’s architecture – has survived until the present. Since 1998 it has been in private hands, and the current owner has undertaken a gradual reconstruction project. The vestiges of the enormous walls with fragments of castle buildings are still awe-inspiring. A special atmosphere pervades here, and the owner wants to take advantage of it to create a place teeming with life, hosting knights’ tournaments, feasts, and other events of this type.