Dar Pomorza (a branch of the National Maritime Museum)

The ship-museum "Dar Pomorza" is moored at the wharf at Kosciuszko Square in Gdynia. The sailing ship from 1909 was built in Hamburg for the purposes of the maritime school. He came to Gdynia in 1930, after being purchased with contributions from the society.

Dar Pomorza, fot. W. Jakubowski /Fotokombinat

Since then, it has been one of the most beautiful Tricity symbols. As a three-masted training ship of the Gdynia State Maritime School (former Maritime Academy), she sailed under the Polish flag from 1930. He made over a hundred trips and trained over 13,000 pupils and students.

It took part in the regatta of large sailing ships five times, winning in 1972 and 1980. Since 1983 it has been a museum ship, open to the public. The tour starts with going down the stairs to the ‘tween-deck – it was a place to sleep and study for the trainees during the voyage.

Today, there are boards with the history of Dar Pomorza, a ceremonial flag is presented in the display case. The remnants of the school are tables and benches for studying, metal “wardrobes” for clothes and personal belongings, and bunks for sleeping.

Statek, muzeum, Dar Pomorza, fot. Narodowe Muzeum Morskie

Statek, muzeum, Dar Pomorza, fot. Narodowe Muzeum Morskie

Next, the route leads through the engine room with a 6-cylinder engine, we continue to the sails warehouse. Private officers’ quarters and the commandant’s lounge with memorabilia from visiting guests impress visitors. Going on board, we pass the helm stations, radio and navigation cabins. Walking on the deck, you can see 42-meter masts.

A bowsprit with a bowsprit, a windlass and the “Victory Bell” complete the sightseeing routes of this vessel.

Statek, muzeum, Dar Pomorza, fot. Narodowe Muzeum Morskie

Statek, muzeum, Dar Pomorza, fot. Narodowe Muzeum Morskie

Statek, muzeum, Dar Pomorza, fot. Narodowe Muzeum Morskie

Statek, muzeum, Dar Pomorza, fot. Narodowe Muzeum Morskie

Statek, muzeum, Dar Pomorza, for. Narodowe Muzeum Morskie

Statek, muzeum, Dar Pomorza, for. Narodowe Muzeum Morskie

Statek, muzeum, Dar Pomorza, fot. Narodowe Muzeum Morskie

Statek, muzeum, Dar Pomorza, fot. Narodowe Muzeum Morskie

Also worth visiting:

  1. Ośrodek Kultury Morskiej
  2. Statek – Muzeum s.s. „Sołdek”
  3. Statek – Muzeum „Dar Pomorza”
  4. Muzeum Rybołówstwa w Helu
  5. Muzeum Wisły w Tczewie
  6. Muzeum Zalewu Wiślanego w Kątach Rybackich
  7. Żuraw
  8. Centrum Konserwacji Wraków Statków
  9. Spichlerze na Ołowiance

The Aquarium in Gdynia




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