The traveller, author of books, explorer, Polish polar explorer, who was the first to get two poles of the Earth in one year. Marek Kamiński, born in Gdansk and Gdynia is the city he chose to live in. However, there is no doubt, that despite visiting the whole world, his heart beats in the Tri-City.
We talk with Marek Kamiński about his favourite Pomotskie routes. Marek Kamiński, a man for whom the world seems to have no secrets. Nevertheless, today we would like to ask you about places you love the most here, in Gdansk, in the city where you were born. What are your favourite places in Gdansk and why?
Marek Kamiński: I love the Main Town, the Granary Island, St. Mary’s Basilica and Oliwa, and the Oliwa forests. My beloved street is Mariacka, I do not think you need to explain – you have to see it yourself. Now, I have the opportunity to work at the Olivia Business Centre in Gdansk, this area is also interesting to me. It is constantly developing, new, modern buildings are created with unusual solutions.

Ołowianka oraz widoczna na dalszym planie Wyspa Spichrzów, fot. Ł. Głowala
I took part in the construction of Wysocki Yacht in Górki Zachodnie. We often went to Granary Island to relax. In the dormitory, colloquially called by us “Hilton”, we were once taken in by the girls and we could have a bath.
CHECK OUT VIEW POINTS IN POMORSKIE Today you live in Gdynia. It is said that this city was created from sea and dreams. Why did you choose Gdynia and what charmed you here?
Marek Kamiński: Orłowo It is the best place to live. You can run in the morning, at noon put your feet in the sea and look at the sea at sunset. Orłowo reminds me of Japan. Perhaps this is connected with Orłowo Klif There are wonderful forests here that always inspire me. I value peace and the endlessness of the sea.

Klif w Orłowie, photo. depositphotos Since we are already talking about the Tri-City, is Sopot also on the Marek Kamiński’s trail?
Marek Kamiński: Of course. Hiking trails are amazing here. Sopot is also important to me – here, in the Church of St. George, I got married, and the wedding took place at Koliba. I have a sentimental bond with this city, I am always happy to go back there.

Sopot from the Zajecze Wzgorze viewpoint, photo: When your friends visit you, where do you take them? What places from the region are on the “must see” list?
Marek Kamiński: I am happy to take my friends to Gdansk. I show them the charming Main Town. Here you cannot get bored. We have here inspirational monuments, interesting places to see. I often surprise myself with new attractions. We also look at the Art of Choice, a local bookshop with an interesting atmosphere.
LEARN MORE ABOUT GDAŃSK What do you like and appreciate in the Tricity and Pomorskie?
Marek Kamiński: For freedom, resentment, courage and that there is no Poland without Kashuby and no Kashuby without Poland. Now something special from Marek Kamiński for our readers. What walking route would you suggest for people who come to visit Pomorskie region?

Marek Kamiński: Trails near the Castle in Krokowa (Sowi Jar, Wichmann) or the trails of the Tri-City Landscape Park on the Sopot-Gdynia route. I would especially recommend trails around Łeba, so to speak, from Łeba to Łeba. It was my training trail before the expeditions. Or from Hel to Łeba. It was my great training ground.