It is worth pointing out that the Żuławska Loop also forms part of the E 70 Inland Waterway, which runs from Rotterdam, through the Berlin junction of inland waterways, and northern Poland, to Kaliningrad, and further along the Niemen water course (the Pregoła and the Dejma to Klaipėda).

Śluza, Biała Góra, fot. Pomorskie Travel/M.Ochocki
Finally, the Żuławska Loop is a network of ports, marinas and premium-quality mooring piers created as part of the “Żuławska Loop – the development of water tourism. Stage I” project, which was recognised as one of the key tourist undertakings of supra-regional significance within the framework of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme 2007-2013 Measure 6.4 “Investments in tourism products of supra-regional importance”. The project is implemented by Local-Government partners from the Pomeranian and Warmian-Masurian Voivodeships.
Besides the waterways surrounding the Vistula delta and the infrastructure for water tourists, the Żuławska Loop combines in itself the attractions connected with Żuławy Wiślane’s cultural heritage. The area is rich in unique historical objects – Gothic castles and arcade houses, and also hydrotechnical monuments – drawbridges and sluices.
he Żuławska Loop undoubtedly offers great rest, active leisure, wonderful landscapes, and captivating nature.
It covers most of Żuławy Wiślane, the Vistula Spit, the subregion of the Vistula Lagoon, the Elbląg Upland (Tolkmicko, Frombork, Suchacz, Elbląg), and the Old Prussian Coast (Nowa Pasłęka, Braniewo), as well as Kociewie (Tczew, Gniew, Pelplin) and the Kwidzyn Valley, and Powiśle with Sztum and Kwidzyn.
Żuławy Wiślane, centred around the Vistula Delta, has acquired a shape of an inverted triangle, the tip of which is where the Vistula branches out into the Leniwka and the Nogat, while the base is lined by the Vistula Spit.
The Vistula Spit, which stretches from Gdańsk to Baltiysk in Russia, separates the Vistula Lagoon from the open waters of the Gdańsk Bay, providing a closure to the estuary of the Vistula. It is a large dune created by sea waves, sometimes as much as 30 metres high. Once populated with fishing villages, it is now a place of holiday resorts. The most important cities and villages on the Vistula Spit are Gdańsk, Stegna, Sztutowo, and Krynica Morska.
The Vistula Lagoon is a bay separated from the Baltic Sea by the Vistula Spit. The border between Poland and the Russian Federation runs through its waters. The internal seawaters on the territory of Poland cover 382 sq. km.
The Elbląg Upland is a moraine plateau in Pobrzeże Gdańskie, which falls steeply towards Żuławy Wiślane, the Vistula Lagoon, and the Warmia Plain. The highest rise of the Upland is the 198.5-m-high Srebrna Mountain. The most important towns in the area include Elbląg, Frombork, Tolkmicko, Kadyny, and Suchacz.