Arcaded houses, half-timbered churches, hydrotechnical facilities remembering the former settlers of these lands - the Mennonites, and all around a flat area crisscrossed by numerous drainage ditches and canals, the banks of which are overgrown with willows typical of this area. This is the Low Lands which due to its shape, location and natural conditions is an extremely interesting and worth exploring area. We invite you for a tour.

Rowerem przez Żuławy Gdańskie i Wyspę Sobieszewską, fot. Pomorskie Travel
Our proposal is a one-day trip through the Low Lands and the Sobieszewo Island, which was led along marked trails and bicycle routes. Due to the terrain, the lack of hills and driveways, the distance of 63 km should not cause problems even for less experienced lovers of two wheels. Moving on local roads with little car traffic and separate bicycle lanes will greatly facilitate the planned kilometres.
The trip has been organised along the marked bicycle routes – the black Mennonite Route, the red Motlawa Route, and parts of it lead through the international bicycle routes EuroVelo 9 / WTR and EuroVelo10 / 13.

Fontanna Neptuna w Gdańsku, fot. Pomorskie Travel/ M.Ochocki
We start the journey like real royals, at the beginning of the Royal Route in Gdansk. This most interesting and at the same time the most visited route of the Main Town was once a place of parades, important ceremonies and triumphant entries of Polish kings to the city. The royal entourage entered the Royal Route through the Upland Gate, which now houses the Pomorskie Tourist Information Centre, and then in front of the western part of the entrance city gate, which later became the Torture Chamber, received greetings from the citizens of this fortified town.
But enough of these historical memories, after all, the bicycle attractions of Gdansk Low Land and Sobieszewo Island are waiting for us! We drive along Dluga Street and Long Market, we pass restored, atmospheric tenement houses, look at the god of the seas – Neptune, and through the Green Gate we enter the Granary Island.
Attention! Bicycle traffic on Dluga Street and Kong Market is admitted, but due to the large number of tourists, especially in the summer season, it is very difficult to move around by bike. If we have time, it is worth taking a bicycle through this section to be able to enjoy the beauty of the Royal Route, but if we want to quickly overcome this crowded section, it is worth choosing an alternative route along Ogarna Street. It is a parallel road with much less traffic and a designated bicycle lane.

Przebieg EV 10/13 i EV9/ETR - ul. Stągiewna w Gdańsku, fot. Pomorskie Travel

Gdańsk - Widok na Motławę, fot. Pomorskie Travel
The Granary Island is an amazing place that has been living its second life for several years. In the former Gdansk, there is a place with numerous granaries where precious raw materials were stored, today a new meeting place and the social heart of the city. The buildings rebuilt in the last few years gave this place a unique character, and a walk along the shore surrounding the Island, a view of the marina, footbridges and a swing bridge, gives the impression that we are in a large European city.
We leave the historic centre of Gdansk and continue towards the Lower Town. It is an incredibly atmospheric district that has been revitalized over several years, and Lakowa Street has become an alternative meeting place for the inhabitants of the Tri-City. Restored tenement houses, numerous bars, pubs and breakfast markets have given this place a completely different meaning than just the suburbs of the city.

Motława, fot. Pomorskie Travel

Motława, fot. Pomorskie Travel
The Lower Town borders with so-called flow around the Motlawa River, the former moat and the mouth of the Motlawa River. Right next to it, there are powerful modern city fortifications, bastions that surrounded Gdansk in the 17th century. At that time, 14 similar objects were built, which now function as viewing points, and thanks to the paths between them, a scenic walking route was created, away from car noise, and at the same time close to the Main City of Gdansk.
Discover Gdansk and its attractions Opened and modern, marked by the history. Welcome to Gdansk
We leave Gdansk and walk along the Motlawa river bank along the black bicycle trail – the Mennonite Trail. On the opposite bank of the river, we can see the markings of the red bicycle trail – the Motlawa Trail, which takes you to Tczew. However, we choose the Mennonite Trail and after driving about 9 km we reach the village of Mokry Dwor, where it is worth visiting the educational farm “at the Miller”. In the restored windmill, we will learn the history of the building from Wyszogrod and other similar facilities, which there used to be many in the Low Lands. We will also have the opportunity to learn the process of baking bread, and even make our own loaf. In Mokry Dwor, it is worth visiting the Open-Air Museum of Low Lands Agricultural Machines, and in the neighbouring Wislina, the wooden Mennonite Bell Tower from 1792.
In this section, we begin to cycle along the black Mennonite and red Motlawa bicycle routes that are parallel. The route will also lead us to one of the most valuable and recognizable architectural buildings in the Low Lands. The arcaded house in Trutnowy was built in 1720 and is the oldest of its kind in the region. Its interior has a preserved layout of the rooms, and after prior telephone information, the building can be visited.