A bicycle trip along the Gdansk Bay Loop is a new idea for the promotion of bicycle tourism in the Pomorskie Voivodeship. It was created thanks to the combination of new and already existing, but completely renovated sections of bicycle paths leading around the Bay of Gdansk. The route begins in Hel, runs along the Hel Spit, through Puck, Tri-City and Sobieszewo Island, to the Vistula Spit to Krynica Morska. The total length of the beautiful bicycle route is over 150 kilometres, and the vast majority of it are bicycle paths and pedestrian and bicycle routes. The separation from car traffic contributed to the convenience, safety and greater availability of cycling leisure.

Depending on the individual condition and preferences of the tourist, the new trail may become an inspiration to spend an active weekend at the seaside on two wheels, but it may also be an idea for a series of short, one-day cycling trips with family or friends. However, if you take into account the number of attractions along the route, and also add two days for visiting Gdansk and Gdynia, you can even spend a week’s vacation on a bicycle trip to the Bay of Gdansk.

A big attraction for tourists from outside the Tri-City will certainly be a ride through Gdynia, Sopot and Gdansk on the coastal bicycle path. The wide route has been used by Tri-City cyclists for many years, using it both for recreational purposes and treating this route as one of the access roads to the workplace. A noteworthy fragment of the coastal bicycle highway is the drive next to the Ronald Reagan Park in Gdansk. Here, you can briefly change the coastal road to one of the park’s alleys running parallel to the shoreline to get to know the interesting, relatively young, popular area for active recreation for residents.

On the Sopot pier, photo: pomorskie.travel
In the case of one-day stops in Gdansk and Gdynia, it will be better not to leave the bikes behind. It is thanks to them and the constantly expanded networks of city bicycle routes that you will be able to quickly reach interesting objects. When visiting the centre of Gdynia, you definitely need to go to Kosciuszko Square and the Southern Pier, where the training sailing ship “Dar Mlodzierzy” and the museum ships, the sailing ship “Dar Pomorza” and the destroyer ORP “Blyskawica” are moored. A drive from Kamienna Góra to the shipyard and port areas will show the developing, well-kept city, which has been at the top of the inhabitants’ satisfaction rankings for years. While in Gdynia, it is worth going to the Emigration Museum or moving into the world of discoveries and science thanks to the Experiment Centre.

Emigration Museum in Gdynia, photo: Emigration Museum
Leaving Gdynia towards Sopot, a real attraction will be a ride over the cliff in Orlowo. Here, the route leads along a marked bicycle path, from which you can turn off onto the cliff, from where there is a unique view of the Bay of Gdansk, Sopot and Gdansk itself. Next, along the bicycle route through Kolibki Park to Sopot.
Pomorskie Trasy Rowerowe
Sopot is the largest resort on the Polish coast, the history of which dates back to the 19th century. Passing through this magical city, you must see the Sopot pier, rest in the Northern Park or drink a healing salt brine. The bicycle path runs through the coastal strip, thanks to which all attractions are at your fingertips. The Sopot – Gdansk section is also a popular cycle route for Tri-City residents. While admiring the Tri-City from the water side (from the end of the pier), it is worth paying attention to the Sopot Grand Hotel or the Tri-City Landscape Park visible on the horizon, which offers numerous bicycle paths and walking routes (Sopot Walking Routes).

In the case of Gdansk, the best idea will definitely be to stay overnight near the Main Town, which is the most attractive part of the centre of Gdansk, which is wrongly called by the tourists the Old Town. The Old Town in Gdansk is a different, neighbouring, less popular but very charming area, and the definition of the Main Town as the Old Town is – according to what Gdansk historians claim – wrong. When moving around the Main Town, it is worth visiting the largest brick church in Europe – St. Mary’s Basilica, as well as taking a walk along the King’s Road. An interesting point on the map of Gdansk is the Granary Island, which has been experiencing its revival for several years and has become a cult point on the city map.
A one-day stay in Gdansk will allow you to get a taste of the city, but it will be an opportunity to feel the mood of freedom, fight for civil liberties and human dignity that have dominated the Motlawa River in recent decades. In addition to the historic buildings of the historic part of the city, full of the Hanseatic climate, the must-see list should include the European Solidarity Centre, the Museum of the Second World War and the Amber Museum – a branch of the Gdansk Museum.

European Solidarity Centre, photo: pomorskie.travel, M.Ochocki
An interesting cycling route that a cyclist traveling around the Bay of Gdansk will have the opportunity to explore is also the new exit road from Gdansk to the east. This is another investment that was created as part of the development of the European bicycle route around the Baltic Sea. About a thousand meters from the Gdansk Main Town, an asphalt bicycle road begins, running through the little-known industrial surroundings of the city, in addition, on a noticeable stretch away from the parallel national road No. 7 towards Elblag.
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