The St. Albert Chmielowski Church in Leszkowy

Leszkowy is a village located on the former trade route from Gdańsk to Elbląg, which was established during the colonisation of this area by the Teutonic Knights.

In the mid-15th Century the settlement was burnt down, and in 1627 plundered and ravaged. In the mid-17th Century the Mennonites settled here. The name of the village probably refers to its founder Lesko, and was initially Leskowo, later Leszkowy.

In Leszkowy it is worth visiting St. Albert Chmielowski’s Church, which is a branch of the temple in Cedry Wielkie. The building was constructed in the mid-14th Century, featuring a brick frame structure, and, added later, a wooden clock and belfry tower and a porch. In the 19th Century the building was widened with an additional aisle. Also a Gothic Revival gable was added, inspired by the church in Trutnowy.

In the aftermath of World War 2 it was deserted and partly destroyed. An attempt at reconstruction was made in 1989-1992, but it involved only fragments. During the renovation, mediaeval elements were removed, and only four headstones, which were placed in the floor, remained.




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