The Great Armory in Gdańsk

The Great Armoury is the grandest example of Netherlandic Mannerism architecture in Gdańsk and one of the most valuable representations of this style in Europe.

  • It was built at the beginning of the 17th century according to the design of the great Gdańsk architect Anthonis van Obberghen
  • It used to be the most beautiful arsenal in the world
  • It acted as a weapon storehouse until 1793, after which it was taken over by the army and closed off to civilians
  • The facades of the armoury are richly decorated with stonework
  • Most of the stonework originates from the workshop of the famous sculptor and architect Abraham van den Blocke. The architect of the Golden Gate, the Golden Tenement House, the Neptune Fountain and the facade of the Artus Manor
The Great Armory in Gdańsk, photo: M. Bielinski

The Great Armory in Gdańsk, photo: M. Bielinski

The Great Armory in Gdańsk, photo: M. Bielinski

The Great Armory in Gdańsk, photo: M. Bielinski

  • From the direction of Piwna Street, the facade is accented with the statue of Athena in its central part and military-themed sculptures.
  • The well, designed by Abraham van den Blocke, was used to extract gunpowder and ammunition from the undergrounds of the Armoury.
  • The portals are decorated with grand Gdańsk coats of arms supported by lions and additionally decorated with statues of warriors from the direction of the Coal Market.
  • The owner of the Armoury is the Gdańsk Academy of Fine Arts




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