You don't have to play cards every day to admire the richness of the collections gathered in the "Street Bridge" Playing Cards Museum. The title street is not on any map of Gdynia, because it is hidden in a former school building near the port of Gdynia. Whoever gets there, discovers an enchanted world that can surprise with a variety of forms, colours and beautiful graphics.

Playing Cards Museum, photo: promotional materials
The largest collection of playing cards
Did you know that Gdynia is home to Poland’s largest and one of Europe’s finest collections of playing cards? The “Street Bridge” Playing Cards Museum was established in 2020, but then the times of a pandemic came and before the exhibition was finished for good, it had to be closed to visitors …
The exhibition halls, in which the entire exhibition was carefully arranged by the creator of the collection, Andrzej Rzepkowski, remained hidden from the wider public for a longer time. Fortunately, that’s about to change…

Playing Cards Museum, photo: promotional materials
Cards and accessories
Karty i akcesoria
The decks of playing cards presented here are a collector’s treasure worth discovering. You can also see rare card accessories, such as one of the few surviving card-dealing devices in the world, as well as postcards, paintings, labels, postage stamps and everyday objects – all connected by the theme of playing cards.
You can also trace how card threads penetrated into literature or theatre, opera and film art.

Playing Cards Museum, photo: promotional materials
Streets, chambers, workshops, rooms
The exhibition owes its name to one of the exhibits, which is a plaque from the 1950s with the name of the authentic Bridge Street in Lodz. The central place of the Museum is therefore a stylized street leading to several themed rooms, such as the Cartographer’s Workshop, Stanczyk’s Chamber or Peter’s Room.

Playing Cards Museum, photo: promotional materials
How to get there?
The “Bridge Street” Playing Cards Museum is located in the building of the former school, the Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski, at 9 Golebia Street.