Wdzydze, which consists of five lakes connected with one another, and due to its size is often called a Kashubian sea, is without doubt one of the most beautifully located reserves in Poland and the heart of a specially charming area. The lakes are loved by tourists and water sports enthusiasts alike, but also constitute an area of well preserved nature with valuable species of fauna and flora.
For many years, the occurrence in the local waters of an endemic type of lake trout, called the Wdzydze trout, has been a mystery for ichthyologists. This and other similar natural treasures are protected by the Wdzydzki Park Krajobrazowy, which covers a total of 53 water bodies and in which there are six attractive nature trails.

Wdzydze Landscape Park, fot.W. Zdunek
The 4-kilometre nature trail called “We Wdzydzach” [“In Wdzydze”] runs north from Wdzydze Kiszewskie, a popular tourist destination. The route will show you the character of the landscape of the park and its natural assets. Along the way, you will visit lakes Jelenie and Niedźwiadek, see characteristic tunnel landforms, cross bog woodland and peat bogs, and also find protected species of moss and lycopods.

nature reserve “Motowęże” fot. Wojciech Zdunek
The 5-kilometre “W Juszkach” [“In Juszki”] nature trail leads through forest terrain in the area of four unusually clear lakes: Długie, Wielkie Oczko, Głęboczko and Mieliste. During the hike, it is worth paying attention to the characteristic housing of Juszki village, which is inscribed in the register of immovable monuments of the Pomorskie Voivodeship.
The “Szlakiem Pięciu Jezior” [“Following Five Lakes”] trail is 6 kilometres long, and starts and ends in Wąglikowice village. Along the way, as the name suggests, you will see lakes Kramsko Duże, Białe, Kramsko Małe, Miały and Kocełki, as well as the Dębrznica river and a beaver dam created on it. Along the way you will also find, among other things, a “ptasia remiza” [“bird station”], which is a collection of trees and bushes which provide fruit and nectar. These attract insectivorous birds, which protect the forest from pest degradation.
The “Wokół jeziora Schodno” [“Around Schodno lake”] trail is 8 kilometres long in total and covers a part of the “Dolina Wdy and Trzebiocha” nature reserve planned for this area. You can find here collections of protected plants like marsh tea, heath spotted-orchid, interrupted club-moss or dwarf everlast. The lake in the name of the trail is a habitat for lake trout and many species of water birds. On the water shore there is an observation platform from which birds can be watched in comfortable conditions.

Wdzydze Landscape Park, fot.Wojciech Zdunek
Near Schodno lake there is another, 3-kilometre long marked trail called “Życie lasu wokół remizy” [“Forest life around the bird station”]. This route runs by Zielona Szkoła in Schodno and is an educational base for workshops for kids and teenagers. One of the points on the trail is a “Żabińskich Błoto” ecological feature that covers an area of a midforest pond that converts to a floating mat.
We can find here an educational boardwalk renovated in 2010, a bird station, a feeder and the so-called hydrophytic sewage works in Schodno, which uses hydrophilous plants in purifying processes.