An adventure with a paddle is a great idea for our vacation to have a little spin to them. We will need clothes that we won't regret getting soaked, some packed lunch, some rainproof bags, sunscreen for a bright sun, but primarily... a good plan for a trip. It is worth to take a good look at offers which will give us an opportunity to comprehensively think through the exciting canoe trip!

Canoe trails in Pomorskie, photo: www.gdanskzkajaka
Canoeing on Kashubian forests
Riverside hostel FAMILYday with a camping area is situated in a calm Kozin village in Czarna Dąbrówka municipality, that is located on the meeting point of two forest districts: Łupawa and Cewice. These terrains are characterised by a picturesque landscape, clear lakes and omnipresent observing us game. The area is also known as a beautiful place for hikes on forest trails – in a canoe or on a bike. The diversity of the area makes it possible to find something for everyone looking for leisure away from the city rush.
In the base, we can find single, two- and three-person canoes from the leading manufacturers. At guests’ disposal are also bikes, which we can ride on along nearby canoe trails, spending the day with canoeists. It is a perfect place to see adult swans looking after their young, as well as wild ducks which are numerous here. With a stroke of luck we can also see a boar, roe deer or a deer. It is also a perfect place for a hunting with a camera. On a camping area we can count on a direct access to water, a place for a bonfire, wood and a grate.
- Contact: FAMILYday
- ul. PKWN 21b, 84-312 Cewice
- tel.:+ 48 694 091 273, +48 606 726 870
- e-mail:

Canoe trail, fot. gdanskzkajaka
Canoeing on Kashubian rivers
Kachlinówka is located nearby forests and fields of Zbeniny village behind Klosnowo settlement, only 7 kilometres from Chojnice on the road to Bursy, in the direct neighbourhood of Zaborski Park Krajobrazowy [Zaborski Landscape Park] and Park Narodowy Bory Tucholskie [Bory Tucholskie National Park].
The whole 14-hectare residential and holiday complex as well as the stable one are situated on the edge of precipitous forests of Zaborski PK, 2 kilometres in a straight line from Ostrowite Lake and 4.5 kilometres from Charzykowskie Lake. Thanks to the unusual microclimate it is a perfect place for leisure, though surely the amateurs of calm hikes in the surroundings of lush nature will be satisfied here, as well as the enthusiasts of active recreation, like water sports or water escapades and bike trips.
- Kachlinówka Dom Gościnny
- ul. Zbeniny 36, 89-620- Chojnice
- tel.: +48 604 291 742
- e-mail:

Canoe trails, photo: www.gdanskzkajaka
A canoe trip across Szwajcaria Kaszubska [Kashubian Switzerland]
“Szczypta Świata” travel agency invites to discover beautiful landscapes of Szwajcaria Kaszubska, watched from a river’s perspective. A calm and silent countryside is surely a great asset of this trip. The offer is aimed at people of all ages, the trip does not demand any special skills or a lot of strength, so kids are also welcomed.
The participants of rafting, while following the trail of great explorers, will flow down the river across picturesque meadows, where you can watch cows grazing; in turn, while canoeing nearby groves you can come across wild animals or their tracks. There is a possibility that the canoes will have to be manoeuvred between fallen trees (because of beavers or wind), but it is only an interesting, additional attraction of this expedition.
Biuro Podróży Szczypta Świata
- ul. Św. Ducha 26/30/m3
- 80-827 Gdańsk
- Tel.: +48 58 300 03 48, +48 600 402 790
- e-mail:
An active stay in the surroundings of lakes and forests
Dom Żeglarza “Sailor” is located in a charming area by lakes Wdzydze and Jeleń, on the terrain of Wdzydzki Park Krajobrazowy [Wdzydze Landscape Park]. It is a perfect place for the enthusiasts of flora and fauna who can come across many rare and protected species of plants and animals here. The complex has a private harbour where there is a water equipment rental, and where you can organise a canoe trip, affreight a yacht, go on a cruise on a ship or a yacht with a cox. At guests’ disposal is also a guarded beach.
Przystań „U Grzegorza”
- ul. Stolema 9, 83 – 406 Wdzydze Kiszewskie
- Tel.: + 48 603 488 144
- e-mail::